Online Business Consulting
Committed to the highest levels of professional excellence
With the business dynamics changing rapidly in today’s world, every business, be it small or big needs to have an online presence and be a part of the global digitization. A start-up, SME running a brick & mortar business or an entity with established footprints in the online domain, all need to survive in this cut-throat competitive business world. It is apparent that we look at new strategies & ideas on how we can use the power of the Online World. Ceresphere Consulting focuses on setting this stage for your online presence & more importantly on the growth of your business digitally.
Unleash the power of internet

Business Strategy
“Build your complete online strategy”
Just developing & publishing your website is not sufficient to conduct or grow your business online. In the current dynamic market if you want to sustain & beat your competition, it is important to have the right strategy on what online product (features | UI/UX | Website/Mobile App) is built, what business models are developed for revenue generation, which strategic alliances are formed, which marketing channels are deployed & how the customer is serviced post sales.
Your website is your digital address

Product Development
“Your product’s first impression can be the last impression”
The right structure & design of your responsive static / dynamic / e Commerce website or mobile app, with the relevant content & placeholders in the right spots, is the key to easy browsing & consumption of information ultimately leading to maximization of relevant enquiries & transactions.
Having a website is not sufficient to create an impact online

“Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone”
Having a website is not sufficient enough to create an impact online. Social networking, increased use of mobile & excessive use of various digital channels, are just a few of the factors reshaping customer interaction & how to use marketing channels in order to reach them.
Ecommerce isn't the cherry on the cake, it's the new cake